Send a Mass Message

Send a one-time mass notification via texts, emails, and calls.

Send a Message Now

Use Cases

Available to authorized government agencies in the USA justice system.

  • Courts
  • Pretrial
  • Probation
  • Parole
  • Corrections
  • Public Defenders
  • Prosecutors
  • Law Enforcement
  • Cities and Counties
Muti-agency and use case graphic

How It Works

Send a bulk message to unlimited recipients in a few clicks.

Step One Preview Message

Use a starter template or start from scratch. Send yourself and coworkers a preview message.

Step Two Upload Contacts

Upload your contacts list through an encrypted link or manually add phone numbers and email addresses.

Step Three Complete Payment

Pay online with any major credit card based on the number of messages and contacts.

Step Four Send Message

Send the message immediately or schedule it to send at a later date and time.

Message Templates

Customize a starter template or start from scratch.


No subscription or ongoing contract is required. $10 one-time fee plus:

Email Messages


  • Ensure delivery without getting flagged as spam
  • Use your own email or a custom email
  • Auto-forward email responses
  • Track email delivery and opt-out rates

Text (SMS) Messages


  • Up to 160 characters
  • Real-time delivery status
  • Carrier campaign registration
  • Track opens with portal links

Voice Messages


  • Up to 1 minute
  • Real-time delivery status
  • Multilingual robo voice
  • Track voicemail and answer rate

Save on Your Notifications Budget

Subscribe to any eCourtDate plan and get access to unlimited Bulk Actions with free failures and discounts on message pricing.

See Subscription Plans